Tai Sabaki


The basic stance in Aikido is known as hanmi (半身, half body). It presents a narrow target to the attacker. The feet are approximately shoulder width apart.

Hidari (左, left)

Migi (右, right)


There are three basic stepping movements:

Okuri ashi irimi (送り足  入り身, sliding step)
The front foot moves off the line and the back foot follows. Reversed for ushiro (backwards)

Tsugi ashi irimi ( 継ぎ足 入り身, following step)
The back foot moves forward to meet the front foot, which then slides off the line. Reversed for ushiro (backwards)

Aymui ashi irimi (歩み 足 入り身, walking step)
The back foot steps forward and off the line


Tenkan (転換, turning)
The front foot pivots and the back foot moves behind to turn 180°. The direction of rotation continues on the next step.

Irimi tenkan (入り身 転換, step and turn)
Step like ayumi ashi and then turn like tenkan. After two movements, you should be back where you started.

Tenshin (転身, step and turn)
The back foot moves forward to the front foot. The body turns 90° toward the front foot and then steps back. After two movements, you should be back where you started.

Tenkai (転 回 pivot)
Changing direction 180° by pivoting on the balls of the feet.